Welcome to Net's Art Place!
This website showcases a wide-ranging collection of my artwork over the years. You can view my artwork by clicking on the respective links on the left-hand side of the screen. More to come!
I am also offering original art paintings for sale from the pop art, wildlife, sealife, retro, fun, and fantasy categories. You can view and purchase these via PayPal at https://annetteburgersellscustomartpaintings.com/. Visit the Gallery page to see what I have currently available for sale.
Please enjoy your stay. If you have any questions, you may contact me at aburger839@gmail.com.
And remember:
Unconditional love has no boundaries; it trumps all evil in the world. Works of art in any form bring people from all cultures together. Art gives light and beauty to our world, just as music does.
Best Regards,
Annette Burger